Since i started my blog and website I've had a few people ask me how much i benefited as an artist from taking classes through the online courses. though i always sing the praises of school whenever i am asked, i think its easier to show you than it is to tell you. As i stated in a earlier post I'm currently working on a few paintings that may or may not end up hanging in Antonio's Pizzeria, the new restaurant a friend is involved in. one of the signature sandwiches on their menu is the" Tony Soprano" and since I am a huge fan of that show i thought he was good person to start with. Well how does that fit with Schoolism? I'll tell you. while working on this piece i came across an old painting i did of Tony Soprano in summer 2007. i think you can see the differences between the two. So for anybody that is on the fence about signing up for a schoolism course, DO IT. It is some of the best money you will ever spend.