its been a very long while since ive posted anything, but i am happy to say that i am drawing again and am able to to share some new stuff with everyone. Anyway, I'm making the return with a painting of one of the best up and coming hip hop artists out right now. for those who dont know (and unfortunately a lot of ya dont) this is Cleveland's own Machine Gun Kelly. If you are a hip hop fan in any way you owe it to yourself to check out his mixtape, you wont regret it. As for the painting part, i mostly was just trying to get the rust off after not drawing for so long. i had fun working on it, especially the tatt's but of course i see a few things i could improve upon. in addition to the painting i did a little movie poster version thats a play on the old "Machine Gun Kelly" movie starring Charles Bronson. I hope to be able to keep the artwork coming on a regular basis from now on so this should be the first of many new things. as always i hope you dig the image, and be sure to comment and follow me on twitter or the new facebook fan page which should launch in full soon. peace.

Awesome my man :)
Great work Torren, Nice new banner too:) I love the MGK, you captured his look amazingly!
Brilliant man, full of well done details.
excellent work !!!!!!!!!!!!!jan :)
Very nice work !
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